Terms of Use

Terms of Use for Jugly, the JavaScript code golfing platform.

Last update on 1/2/2024

Welcome to Jugly, the JavaScript code golfing platform. Compete with other developers to solve problems in JavaScript with the least number of characters and see how you rank on the leaderboard for each problem.

Acceptance of Terms

By accessing and using Jugly, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use ("Terms"). If you do not agree to all of the Terms, do not use or access Jugly.


2024-05-01 - Terms of Use Update


  • Submission Guidelines and Validation: Introduced new guidelines regarding the deletion and revalidation of submissions to prevent brute force attempts and ensure solutions handle all problem scenarios effectively.
  • Submission Deletion: Clarified that submissions will be deleted only upon failing to meet rule compliance.
  • Automated Revalidation: Added information about the automated, periodic revalidation of submissions to ensure ongoing compliance with problem requirements.

2024-01-02 - Initial Setup

  • Established initial Terms of Use for Jugly.

User Registration

To compete and submit code solutions, users must create an account using Google or GitHub OAuth. Anonymous users may view problem statements and leaderboards but cannot participate in challenges.

User Conduct and Responsibilities

Users are expected to solve problems by writing the shortest possible JavaScript code. Multiple submissions for a problem are allowed. While creativity is encouraged, users must not:

  • Engage in any activity that is illegal or promotes illegal activities.
  • Submit code that contains malware or harmful software.
  • Attempt to disrupt the site's functioning or accessibility for others.
  • Attempt to gain unauthorized access to the site or its data.
  • Impersonate another user or person.
  • Use the site for any commercial purposes.
  • Use the site to harass, threaten, or intimidate others.
  • Use the site to post or transmit spam, unsolicited messages, or advertisements.
  • Use the site to post or transmit content that is offensive, hateful, or discriminatory.

Jugly reserves the right to suspend or terminate user accounts that violate these Terms or for any other reason.

Submission Guidelines and Validation

Deletion of Submissions

At Jugly, we strive to maintain a fair and competitive environment for all users. To uphold the integrity of our challenges, submissions that fail to adhere to our rules and guidelines will be subject to deletion. This ensures that all entries align with the problem specifications and community standards.

Revalidation of Submissions

Submissions on Jugly are subject to periodic revalidation. This process is automated and can occur at any time to ensure that solutions remain effective under varying inputs and conditions. Our revalidation system helps prevent the use of non-general solutions, such as those tailored to pass specific test cases without truly solving the problem.

Prevention of Brute Force and Random Value Submissions

To maintain the quality and relevance of solutions on Jugly, we actively discourage and invalidate submissions that rely on brute force approaches or random value outputs. These methods, including the use of scripts to repeatedly submit solutions in hopes of passing through random test cases, directly contravene our goal of fostering genuine problem-solving skills and ingenuity. Submissions should be designed to consistently solve the problem across all potential scenarios and not just under particular or rare conditions.

We encourage all users to engage with challenges in a manner that is both creative and adheres to the spirit of code golfing and problem-solving.

Intellectual Property Rights

Users retain ownership of the code they submit. However, Jugly reserves the right to delete or alter submitted code as necessary for site maintenance and upgrades. Jugly claims no ownership of user-submitted content.

Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability

Jugly is provided "as is" without any warranties, express or implied. The platform might occasionally be unavailable due to maintenance or updates. Jugly will not be liable for any damages arising from the use of the platform.

Modification of Terms

Jugly reserves the right to update or modify these Terms at any time. Changes will be posted on this page and may be notified to users via email or through the platform.

Governing Law

These Terms are governed by the laws of France. Any disputes related to these Terms will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of France.

Contact Information

For support or legal issues, please contact us at https://jugly.io/contact or via email at contact@jugly.io.

Privacy Policy

Please refer to our Privacy Policy at https://jugly.io/privacy-policy to understand how we collect, use, and protect your data.


If any part of these Terms is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining parts will remain in full effect and enforceable.


By using Jugly, you acknowledge that you have read these Terms and agree to be bound by them.

Thank you for being part of Jugly!