Solve problems in Javascript with the least number of characters. Compete with other developers and see how you rank on the leaderboard for each problem.
// Compute the product of all the integer
o(eval(i().replaceAll(' ','*')))
Code size
Rick A.
John Doe
JS + Ugly =Jugly
Sometimes you have to write truly ugly code to make it the shortest. Everything is permitted for the sake of code golfing even unsafe, or bad practice. You can use any Javascript feature, even the most obscure ones.
It's free and made with love
I'm Corentin Thomasset , a full-stack developer that kinda like JS. I made this platform in my free time with no pretention, just for fun, to play with friends. I hope you'll enjoy it!
Some of the problems
Here are some of the problems you can try to solve with the least number of characters.